Today i was at WeiLin's place, and she told me something that hit me.
"Chemistry". For the guy i want to be together with to work in the WBG career, chemistry is very important! How fun will it be, if i am able to get the love of my life and work happily together!
Of course, i need to 打开心窗 before i am able to attract the man of my life. So, what do i look for in a guy? Guys who wanna queue up, here's the list: What do I look for in a guy?
1. I see future together with him. Future of doing things that will last for our lifetime. A mission in life together is very important, because we are going to last forever…
2. I have complete trust and faith in him that he will stay loyal to me, and love me for life.
3. Mutual understanding, must have a good temper and filial to parents.
4. Nice low tone voice. Baritone. =)
5. Can be average looking, but must be charismatic.
6. Dares to do whatever I do not dare to do/ or dares to do everything I dare to do. hahaha~~* Gutsy! ;)
7. Decisive, and have a specific goal in life to move forward to, that will keep him driving up higher and higher. A guy who knows what he wants.
8. I am able to complement for his weakness. He should be able to complement me as well.
9. Life with him must have excitements! And even quiet times I will appreciate it as well.
10.Must do WBG business together with me. A Must.
11.Funny, in any sort of ways.. ;)
12.I love guys with a determined look on their face!!! So charming!!! If determined at times, cute at times, it’s the best ah!!!
13.Must know when is serious time, when is play time. 公私分明
14.I must like him of course! Eyes and hairstyle are the best way to get me attracted to them…oh I missed those electrifying eyes….hahaaAHaaaAHa~~*
15.Gentle loving care once in a while is perfect. Not too much, I like to be independent and not be treated like an infant.
16.Cannot be touchy. I like it when we just sit close and stay quiet sometimes, but small sweet talks is good. haha~* His presense is good enough.
18.Able to discuss work together and work as a team. 梦幻团队,黄金组合!
19.He has the same vision as me, to go around the World helping poor people, make their lives better. Travel together with our loved ones, just like the ending of 《大长今》. It doesn't matter if we ever become the richest people like Bill Gates and his wife, it matters that we are happy and we live to the fullest!
In this year, i have finally set myself a goal, acknowledge to the fact that i am graduating soon and will have to step out to the society to work. Today, i met up with a consumer, Edmund, to fix his Kinertec. I was with James and afterwards, he sent us to Kovan MRT station to drop us off. Suddenly, i felt the distance between me and him, as in communication-wise. I am not well-equiped at all to talk to professionals. That gave me quite a bump on the head. Why am i like this? Do i wanna stay like a kid, and always dread about losing my freedom? Just when i thought of that, Grace Lee's image just went through my head. I can be the same as her. She grew up in WBG and being the daughter of a multi-millionaire, yet she is able to work with us in WBG, this networking business. I really admired her for her guts and charisma. She worked her way up to her ranks, and i want to be like her. This goal of mine, i set myself, is to become GCD by 31st Dec '07.
It sounds real far, because i have yet to even reach GM. I will have to get 62.5 WS before reaching this goal. How am i gonna reach it? Last time, i used to dream of some rich uncles, thinking that HUNZA products are good, and will generate this "chain-effect" to more and more downlines buying products. But that's not gonna work! Nothing can be accomplished without hardwork, without educating pple and communicating with them. It is plain, blood-sweat hardwork.