Saturday, June 16, 2007

In a clean environment, you will never find rats!!!

Nicholas Chia and Jet's sharing left a deep impact on me. Its their professionalism, charisma, experience, confidence in our industry, Network marketing a.k.a MLM (Multi-level Marketing).

MLM is an industry, with promising opportunity for everyone and any normal people. It fundamentally builts on a "success-driven" system, whereby if everyone follow, like a franchise system (e.g. McDonalds), people will be able to enjoy the wealth created. It is fundamentally, a franchise system for the normal people,with low captial input. And remember, Doing MLM biz still requires HARD WORK AND EFFORT!!! 创业难,守业更难!!

However, due to its non-existence of filteration, ANYONE, can enter into this industry, which is why, it attracts the RATS, scumbags, who enters the industry just to cheat people of money...and some, didn't know how to be manage this biz and just wanted money out of the biz without caring for their downlines when they couldn't make money...

This is why, Robert Kiyosaki mentioned in his book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" series, that if anyone were to join into a partnership in Network Marketing,
1 - Products must be good, but not the most essential..
2 - Compensation plan must be good, but still, not the most essential..
3 - System. It is the most critical factor. A Good educational system which educates good moral, good business ethics and entrepreneurship. It makes up the essence of a company, the Culture and Environment.

One thing which Jet mentioned when he shared with my friends on wed, that most bad MLM companies attracts 80% aunties, RATS and mostly the lowly educated.. only 20% professionals..
However, in WBG, most of us are teritary-educated. We have professionals like doctors, lawyers, University graduates, biz owners, teachers, and its stands at 80% of the whole company, and of course, we DO HAVE the aunties and they are all very mission-based and wanted to contribute back to the society, bringing health and wealth to their future generations. And SCS is the course which brings back the in-born mission, purpose in life within us...which is why we are opened to the public on our course seminars..

We are not afraid to say that this is a course from a Network marketing company, because we are the products from the course SCS. If it benefits and is catered to anyone, whether they want or do not want to do the Network marketing biz of WBG, all are welcomed to attend SCS. WBG has the subsidary company "Global Success System (GSS) Training Academy", specially catered to bring SCS and other success courses to the public.
There is no one who can never achieve success (in any definition), only people who give up success.

Having the 96th SCS this coming 29, 30 June and 1July, Nicholas Chia will be one of the key speakers. GSS Training Academy is the System, which we use to filter off bad RATS...
Even if we happen to attract any rats, they never stay past a few months time...

This is why we say that "In a clean environment, you will never find RATS..."