Today, i had Assistant Coach training, as the Emcee for the upcoming 96th SCS, held by GSS Training Academy...and today, Fanny inspired me. :) And that reminded me of a quote by Chris Gardner. Chris Jr. had a wild dream and Chris Gardner discouraged him....(i forgot what exactly was a game of basketball when they had this conversation.)
Chris Gardner told Chris Jr. :
"You got a dream, you gotta protect it. People can't do something themselves, they wanna tell you that you can't do it. You want something? Go get it. Don't ever let someone tell you, you can't do something. Not even me."
I was practising for the event, and was told by Fanny that there's this certain pitch of my voice which sounds sharp, and i was told to drop that. I fell straight to hell.... that kind of unique pitch of mine was what i find most entertaining, gets me high and energetic on the mike and, i was told to drop it. I went straight to "Lost" mode...
Fanny came up to me to find out what is wrong...and, i told her that i lost myself as an Emcee if i couldn't use what i am most proud of. She told me.. "Let no one take away your dreams...Not even me. Go get what you want! If its not the best now, YOU make it the BEST!! You'll make the BEST Emcee!!! :D"
Jia you for 96th SCS!!! :D
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Pursuit of Happyness...Part II
Posted by *AnN* at 2:27 AM
Monday, June 25, 2007
Make her the BEST girl..make your choice...
i just watched the "Pursuit of Happyness" and there was this part that Chris Jr. told his dad, Christopher Gardner...
Chris Jr: "Hey dad, you wanna hear something funny? There was a man who was drowning, and a boat came, and the man on the boat said "Do you need help?" and the man said "God will save me". Then another boat came and he tried to help him, but he said "God will save me", then he drowned and went to Heaven. Then the man told God, "God, why didn't you save me?" and God said "I sent you two boats, you dummy!"
This reminded me of a short convesation i had with Nicholas Chia, together with Yongchun and KL:
He was telling this to the guys,
"The girl is good enough for you, she's fillial, she's intelligent, she doesn't complain alot, but not the best girl for you do you get this good girl or wait for the best girl?
I'll tell you, tomorrow never comes..!! by the time the best girl comes, you may be dying on your bed @ age 92! If the good girl now is not the best, you make her the BEST GIRL... "
Posted by *AnN* at 2:18 PM
Pursuit of Happyness
My younger bro, Henry, is so sweet as to help me rent this DVD from Music Junction!! Thx to him, i got to have more ...sort of..emotional sensory..when i watched this again.
Alot of people were impacted by the movie, and i did watch it, together with ...i can only remember KL, Pin, Yunfran, Lin, James, and i think there is Cyn, WeiJie and MJ.
I remembered that they made a big "huha" after watching the movie(wanting to buy the book, buy the DVD,etc), while i was quite indifferent to it. Why? i dunno...
It was only after watching the movie again on sunday, that i realised that..hmm..actually i was watching the movie and majority of the time, i was thinking in the position of Chris Jr. I was thinking..."I have been through what he's been thr, except for having no place to stay in(quite serious enough,haha~)..."
My family is poor since i was young. I didn't know humans, have 3 meals per day. We only have 1 meal per day, and that's during dinner time. We always have a large plate(=3 bowls of rice) for a meal, and most of the time, we were having only a single dish. We alternate between my Top 3 most hated food "Fishballs, Canned buttoned mushrooms, and a scary Soup dish..猪肚/肠汤 Pig organs soup..."
Although having meals at home can be a torture when 1 of these 3 dishes appears on the tabletop, lifes been good. My father is the only sole breadwinner and mum's the housewife. Plus I've got 4 siblings to accompany me! We always know how to self-entertain ourselves when we were young. We were spiritually happy, we dun have much money but we never worried much abt it, because we always get Edusave bursaries to finance our studies. My parents were proud of us for that.
While watching the movie for this second time, i began to look into how my dad supported us..He was the only one earning money, and he never lets the children know how much he suffered outside.. last time I used to think,"Wah!!! Driving taxi can earn enough to support 7 mouths ah!! quite good ah!"
One part which impacted me was, Chris Gardner's "no-complain" attitude. He didn't choose to complain abt having no money, having discriminated and bullied by his supervisor because he's the only Black during internship, having no accomodations when he was thrown out of his rented hse, he choose to move on and be forward-looking. When we complain, we become a living, breathing "crap magnet".
Chris Gardner looks at his targets and focuses on it, like when he was hit by a car when he was chasing after his bone-density scanning machine. He was hit, but he knew that he has to go back to Dean Witter for his broker classes. He needs to pass the internship and make money for his family.
That's my dad, too, partially. He never complains to us about what's he been through, except to my mum. haha~*poor mum. All he wants is to pursuit family happiness. The real NEED to succeed. His never-dying perservance, and never-stops until he reaches the stage...
"This part of life... this part right here? This is called "Happyness"..
Posted by *AnN* at 2:09 PM
Initial D
I watched 2movies this sunday, one is "Pursuit of Happyness" and the other is "Initial D". Both brought back some meanings abt life to me..and i'll talk abt Initial D first. :)
I love the classic saying "其实,神也是人。只是他们做了人做不到的东西,才变成神。" Achieveing the impossible...haha~
Besides that, i remembered one part which 拓海(Jay)'s dad told him.
He said that,
"All along, you have been running on the roads by yourself, and now, you are faced with competitors, that's why you may be feeling uncomfortable. However, always remember that you should recognise that, they are not your main competitors. You are. Don't compete with them. Compete with yourself."
That's where overcoming self-limiting beliefs, "knowing that you can do better and go do it" attitude comes from.. no one person can influence anyone better than they themselves. Always aim to improve by 1% per day! Be better than yesterday! ;)
Posted by *AnN* at 3:58 AM
Why the fear of selling??
A part which impacted me alot about the concept of setting up a biz, by Mr. Nicholas Chia. :)
Speaking from the viewpoint of a multi-millioniare ex-banker, He mentioned that, for a true-spirited businessmen, what makes them want to do business, is their Priniciple attitude of helping people.Not to just earn money.
Hotel owners set up hotels to provide people with a nice lodging, nice place to stay in. Cafe owners set up cafes, wanting people to enjoy coffee and spend their time to chill in. Restaurants owners set up restaurants to provide a place for people to find good food to eat in. All to help provide and satisfy people of their needs and wants.
It is with this priciple of helping others that motivates them to sell their products. People can say that they are afraid of selling...because they dunno how and what they can help people with.
Once you know that your product or your recommendation is going to benefit, add value to lives of people, the fear of selling is wiped off!! OR else, it will stop us form being a business owner. Having know this very fundamental, yet crucial concept which alot of people do not realise, this reaffirms my desire to sustain and grow together with WBG.
Posted by *AnN* at 3:32 AM
The Bubbly Story...
Have you all played Bubbles using a straw before?
Still remember the bubbles we played using a short tube-like thingy?
Childeren loves to play with bubbles and i used to love blowing large bubbles. But sadly, it always burst whenever it reached a limit. I was could i make the bubbles even bigger?
I tot of...hmm..maybe i can blow slowly, so that it wouldn't burst under great pressure..or, i'll put more of the slimy thing which produces the bubbles...however, it never gets too big..
A friend by the name of Long Sheng came along today and told me that...
"If you want big bubbles, change your tube to one who a bigger circumference!"
And there you go..bigger bubbles!!
So what's the moral of the story?
When you want a certain result (the big bubbles), your mindset and 格局(tube) is very imporant. Think BIG, no harm doing that!!! Because it determines the size of your results. If we stubbornly stick to fixed patterns of thinking or old thinking patterns which will never reach out goals, our results will never be too far or too great.
*Note: Hi LongSheng, is it correctly interpreted? haha~~* :P
Posted by *AnN* at 3:15 AM
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Back under a high demand...!!!
An Extraordinary Date with Multi-millionaire Banker!!
Back with high demand, Nicholas Chia is back this coming friday, 7.45pm!!! For those who missed it, take time off to hear him on stage!! A powerful, charismatic speaker, everytime he goes on stage, he shares different experiences of his 3 decades in corporate world. How he worked as a head of finance in Morgan Stanley, CEO Asia Pacific region of Bank of America, and headed listings of 37 companies.
People he networked with, includes our Minister Mentor Lee, Billionaires in Singapore,Kwek Leng Beng, Wee Cho Yaw, and CEO of CapitalLand Liew Mun Leong, etc. And that's what i know abt his network IN singapore only...overseas, there are definitely many more.
Experiences he shared are definitely very valuable. And he will share with us over a weekend, on the HABITs, values and beliefs that "Wealthy" people has...
If there's any MAJOR difference between us, normal people and Nicholas, its only whether we wanna start doing something about ourselves, will not give up, and perserver til the end.
Anyone interested, just let me know before seats get fully-taken! ;)
Posted by *AnN* at 1:30 PM
Sunday, June 17, 2007
A dear mentor & advisor... forever grateful to him...
This is a very useful article i found on Jet's site.It about, "What do i do when i meet my mentor / someone i wanna learn from?"
The author is someone whom i respect alot, and learn alot from, Mr. Jet Toh. I have his blog address at the sidebar, under "My favourite webby".
Jet is a self-made millionaire (he earned his million within 3 years!), a senior trainer @GSS Training Academy and biz owner of World Business Group (WBG). At first before i met him 2 years back, i thought, "Wah, millionaire leh! Must be very cocky and stuck-up... maybe he's just another old man advising us to follow their ways...Whatever...must have some rich pple as backup to help him get to the top"
However, meeting him proves me so wrong... Jet is a down-to-earth mentor,looking much MUCH younger than any 32 years olds (thanks to Hunza products), who is humble and very willing to teach young people like me, no matter what background, education we are from, he is always very willing to share his experience about anything with anyone of us.
Not only that he doesn't mind sharing and mentoring us, he is also the type which i label as "Wealthy" and not just successful or rich (refer to Nicholas chia's sharing). He has health, he's got life, and sense of purpose and mission in life.
Can anyone ever imagine Jet, how *TOOT* he looked when he was a Financial controller in PSA?? i was so amazed by the change in him! He showed me some of his photo his Jet's blog. Totally different from now!!
If anybody thinks that he has any strong backings, it may only be that he is a 2nd class honours degree holder in Accountancy, NTU. I found out that he was in the same primary school, SiLing Pri as i am!!! Used to live @ woodlands..where he was from a poor family... he used to tell me that when he was young, his family of 4 have to share a packet of nasi lemak for A WHOLE DAY...that was how poor his family was...
If he can achieve what he has today, partly it must have been his determination and perseverance, and that he wants to honour his family as well. If he can, why can't i?
If he was from a well-to-do family, i would have said that he relied on his family, however, we all started out as normal people. He worked hard towards his goals, which is the thing i am most impressed about. He's got the determination to start something, not give up and work towards the end result he wants. Most of us start something without having the end in mind. He always emphazied that it was GSS's education which changed him from the 80% of the population, towards the top 20%.
And, he does not stop there. He attends courses, Top courses from all over the world. He has spent almost more than $10,000 over the past year,JUST ON EDUCATION! $8,000 on Mark Victor Hansen's, $2,000 on Rocky Liang's in Taiwan, etc. Shares it with us when he comes back...He is a man of his words, because if he asked us to seek help in improving life skills, he's the first to do it and puts it into action.
《以理服众,以德服众》this is the kind of leader pple will utimately recognise... not by position, but honour, actions and results.
Posted by *AnN* at 4:46 PM
Saturday, June 16, 2007
In a clean environment, you will never find rats!!!
Nicholas Chia and Jet's sharing left a deep impact on me. Its their professionalism, charisma, experience, confidence in our industry, Network marketing a.k.a MLM (Multi-level Marketing).
MLM is an industry, with promising opportunity for everyone and any normal people. It fundamentally builts on a "success-driven" system, whereby if everyone follow, like a franchise system (e.g. McDonalds), people will be able to enjoy the wealth created. It is fundamentally, a franchise system for the normal people,with low captial input. And remember, Doing MLM biz still requires HARD WORK AND EFFORT!!! 创业难,守业更难!!
However, due to its non-existence of filteration, ANYONE, can enter into this industry, which is why, it attracts the RATS, scumbags, who enters the industry just to cheat people of money...and some, didn't know how to be manage this biz and just wanted money out of the biz without caring for their downlines when they couldn't make money...
This is why, Robert Kiyosaki mentioned in his book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" series, that if anyone were to join into a partnership in Network Marketing,
1 - Products must be good, but not the most essential..
2 - Compensation plan must be good, but still, not the most essential..
3 - System. It is the most critical factor. A Good educational system which educates good moral, good business ethics and entrepreneurship. It makes up the essence of a company, the Culture and Environment.
One thing which Jet mentioned when he shared with my friends on wed, that most bad MLM companies attracts 80% aunties, RATS and mostly the lowly educated.. only 20% professionals..
However, in WBG, most of us are teritary-educated. We have professionals like doctors, lawyers, University graduates, biz owners, teachers, and its stands at 80% of the whole company, and of course, we DO HAVE the aunties and they are all very mission-based and wanted to contribute back to the society, bringing health and wealth to their future generations. And SCS is the course which brings back the in-born mission, purpose in life within us...which is why we are opened to the public on our course seminars..
We are not afraid to say that this is a course from a Network marketing company, because we are the products from the course SCS. If it benefits and is catered to anyone, whether they want or do not want to do the Network marketing biz of WBG, all are welcomed to attend SCS. WBG has the subsidary company "Global Success System (GSS) Training Academy", specially catered to bring SCS and other success courses to the public.
There is no one who can never achieve success (in any definition), only people who give up success.
Having the 96th SCS this coming 29, 30 June and 1July, Nicholas Chia will be one of the key speakers. GSS Training Academy is the System, which we use to filter off bad RATS...
Even if we happen to attract any rats, they never stay past a few months time...
This is why we say that "In a clean environment, you will never find RATS..."
Posted by *AnN* at 1:13 AM
Nicholas Chia's Sharing...
Wow Nicholas Chia's SCS Course sharing on wednesday was really awesome...
Just a short 45mins sharing was worth my time, definitely well-spent, with my friend Jimmy and his friend,Shun jian.
Being an ex-banker of the Forbes' list World's #2 Company - Bank Of America, he has met with numerous people, multi-millionaires and billionaires in the corporate world, and he shared with us his definition of 3 types of people in millionaire status.
1 - Successful, but no time.
2 - Rich, but no health, no life.
3 - Wealthy, earns big money, had health, lifestyle, mission and purpose in life.
So what kind of life are we aiming towards? Successful, Rich or Wealthy? Or do you have any life that you want to aim towards? Its up to you to decide what kind of life you wanna live...
An short part i remember he shared about was, Building perseverance.
Many people start something, without having the end in mind. They just start something, having something occupied in their minds what? What is the end?
We work and work and work, find leisure, go out with friends, party and hang out with boyfriends and girlfriends, get married and start a family, and grow old.. in this life process, have you ever found any mission that you feel that worth living for?
Not just go through the process, but live through the process, and perhaps, create a legacy for your future generations to pass down the stories..(That's my goal..haha~)
What essentially drives a person to start something and eventually finish it, is a Need to Succeed. Everyone, and i believe, Everyone, we have the in-born determination in us.
"What is that mission or perseverance that you have? That, will drive u to start, will not give up, and perserver till the end?"
Posted by *AnN* at 12:17 AM
Thursday, June 14, 2007
200 pounds beauty...

I made things come true when i reached Pri6, when i got into TAF (Trim and Fitness)club. I was chubby, but some pple still din think i was too fat. I gained more confidence when i got into Military Band in sec sch. That proved to be the changing point in life. First time i felt so much confidence to lead my life, the group and the band. However, the guys in my life disappointed me alot... i dropped back to my low confidence stage when i was young in my kindergarten and pri sch days...That's weird, when you look so pretty and you lack the confidence to bring out the beauty in you.
(Low-confidence Hanna, standing alone on stage to face the audience)
Fortunately, i went through a course by Global Success System (GSS)Training Academy, which is the 2nd changning point in my whole life, bringing back the in-born determination to start cleaning up my messy low confidence and self-esteem life. Growing with WBG, i met with alot of obstacles, but nontheless, there are people like Jet, Long Sheng and the whole of GSS team who came along and pulled me up whenever i go back to my subconscious state.
A love story i always wanted for myself.... Loving a Hanna's secret love, Sang-jun.
While Hanna was still a fat girl, she fell for Sang-jun for 2 years. She couldn't bring herself to express her love, because of her low self-esteem and her image.
Hanna is a lip sync vocalist for Amy, the famous Korean pop singer. Even though she is always ignored because of her appearance, she has been a bright and lighthearted girl until Amy humiliates her in front of Sang-jun. Just when she wanted to commit suicide, she wakes up her idea and makes a decision of a lifetime to have plastic surgery all over her body. The whole surgery and recovery took a year, and can you imagine..its so painful..and you are doing it for the love of your life...
Hanna later returned by the name of Jenny, and got to become a pop singer, under the Sang-jun's guidance. Their relationship develops from there...but Jenny had to give up her identity as Hanna and she couldn't acknowledge her dad,in fear that Sang-jun will find out that she was the fat and ugly girl and also because she know Sang-jun didn't like "plastic girls".
Eventually, during the eve of her concert, the truth was found out by Sang-jun. She decided to face the music and let the world know who she is. Everything turned out well. She recovered her identity as Hanna.
(Hanna's secret love,Sang-jun, supporting Hanna while she's on stage)
(Sang-jun and Hanna working sweet..)
She *SHINES* since then. Her life doesn't depend on anybody anymore, but the in-born confidence and determination about life that she discovers through the process. She loves not the physical image that she has, but for who she is, inside her. For that, Sang-jun grew to love her for who she is.
(Hanna standing confidently, *~Shining~* on stage)
*The Power of Love*

A really "zai" bizwomen, knowledgable and humble ( i think i can be quite egoistic sometimes,which i wanna get rid of. haha~~*) I dislike egoistic people...
I hope i can earn enough to start working on Charity works in South-east asia in 2010 onwards..2012 for the whole of Asia...and 2013 for the Third World nations worldwide.. by then, i hope to be with my secret love and there....Life lives beautifully and fruitfully...
Posted by *AnN* at 11:54 PM
SiLing Primary Gathering @ Causeway Point
Date: 10 June 2007, Sunday
Venue: Causeway Point (Crystal Jade and Party World KTV)
Occasion: SiLing Pri Sch (class 6A and 6B) gathering!!~ + Celebrate all our birthdays!!~~*
The guys, who are the only GROUP of guys whom i came across who loves KTV,especially ShiQian, James and Zhi Hua!
And the ladies, who are all very pro-chatting in KTV!!! I think only Jian Yin and me wanna sing..hahaAHAah~~* They have all grown very pretty!*
One wish i made during the blowing of candles of the cake. "I wish that 10years from now, we will still be able to blow the candles of the cake again, with our own family formed!" That's so blissful... I hope that will happen in 10 years time, with "33+2" "96" on the birthday cake!! ;)
Posted by *AnN* at 2:42 AM
Monday, June 11, 2007
Top 40 companies in the World...with Nicholas chia around!!
Top 40 companies in the world
Wow!!~~ This is a Special Report i got it from Jet, my mentor's blog!! I always knew that Bank of America is a great bank, and Mr. Nicholas Chia, our group CEO of WBG was the Youngest CEO in the Asia Pacific region ages ago. However, i never expect that Bank Of America is ranked #2 in the World!!!
In addition, Nicholas has served as Head of finance while he was in Morgan Stanley,and it was ranked #25 around the World!!!! Wow... Can you imagine having him around in the company and always seeing him around... Imagine seeing Kwek Leng Beng (Singapore's richest man, ranked #185 among The World's Richest People In 2006, Forbes list) everyday lah!
I must have really taken him for granted, perhaps seeing him around the company really made me too comfortable to ever treat him like a celebrity... He is so down-to-earth and great to chat with(when he has the time to). Its also like having a real valuable mentor you can consult to (If i have the guts to).
I heard of Nicholas addressing Mr Kwek Leng Beng as "Leng Beng", so i supposed they are really on good terms for them to address each other by name. Nicholas is Jet's god father, so, i must really work hard and follow Jet's footstep and chiong the future China and global market! Long way to go! Jia you!!!!! raAAaAAaA~~*
Posted by *AnN* at 1:37 AM
Sunday, June 10, 2007
雨下好乱 半个夜晚
要谢谢爱 让你
要谢谢爱 让我
Posted by *AnN* at 12:42 PM
Thursday, June 7, 2007
An Extraordinary Date with Multi-Millionaire banker and 2 Millionaires


Organised by Global Success System (GSS) Training Academy Pte Ltd, This is one of the Best free seminars upcoming next wed 13th June, 7.30pm!!! If anyone is interested, inform me latest this sunday 12noon!! I'll be doing the bookings!!
Once-in-a life time sharing with a Multi-millionaire banker who helped 36 companies get listed!! He became the youngest CEO of Bank of America when he was just 29years old!!! An incredible feat, especially when he was the only Asian at the Board of Directorship back then!!
He may share about how he interviews Top grade students from Harvard, Stanford, Yale and Oxford Universities for a top finance position while he was in Morgan Stanley, one of the top financial investment company in the World!!
And sharings of his experiences about Essential Life Skills.......
For those really interested about self-improvements and learning from top-notch people in the corporate world, Hurry before all seats are snatched up! ;)
Posted by *AnN* at 2:05 AM
Sunday, June 3, 2007
Whatever happens in our life...Be Forward-Looking!!
'You can only attack yourself in this world; there is no 'other'. See the one you are attacking as your gateway Home.'….Dr Chuck Spezzano
"Whatever happens in our life, we wanted it to happen (no matter whether it is consciously or subconsciously) the way we want it to be"
This is the most impactful thing i ever learnt from PoV. and i hold this idea with high regards, because, "We are able to be in control of our lives"!!!!
There are usually 2 different reactions. Either we take control of our lives and be responsible for whatever happens, or we still choose to victimise ourselves by thinking..."I know i am to blame..and i deserve this all..." and dwell into problems and sulk. That happened to me on Sat. Although i was very angry with myself, and when i THOUGHT i was recognising that i could control my live,i was actually making myself feel bad and dwelling on it... Sharks!!! luckily i realised that fast..(although not that fast, sorry guys!! see my sulky face again!)
*Note: Sorry to KL!! I choose him to scold again. My favourite target board who always never did much fight backs. haha~* He really did his very best for the Nicholas Chia's sharing session as we did the callings together. Being the team leader, it was hard on him, becos he was the one who will kena BIG TIME, VERY JIA LAT whenever things don't work well. 担当责任 as a a leader is not as easy...
Nonetheless, some people choose to put blame on others, victimised themselves instead of reflecting on what we ourselves have done. Whatever wrong or mistakes have been done. What we can do is, Forgive ourselves, and be forward-looking. If people choose to remain behind and not move on, be it. everyone has to move on with life.
So Stop dwelling on issues, let's move on!! If you don't want to be stuck with how a person or situation is, then YOU change. ;)
Posted by *AnN* at 8:50 PM