Monday, September 8, 2008

The secret to Happiness - Decision

hmm.. this is an important blog that i want to make, at this wee hours of the night, 1.30am on monday midnight..

Its about one of the secret to happiness, The Power of Decision.

I realised that, most parts of my life, i've been quite a happy young lady, because i make fast, decisive decisions. Some parts of my life which i am not happy(but have passed) are countable, such as:

  • Staying in NUS Computing and not changing faculty (the past now,i'm benefiting from the certificate anyway)
  • My first 2 relationships (yup yup, Dear if you happen to read it, dun be sad. its all in the past now. We're happy now! :D )
  • Incurring huge investment debts. (now repaying monthly, but i dun look back and regret now. Be forward looking.)

What else? I can't remember, because i decide that they are too minor, choose to not remember and be happy. hehe~ :)

Recent events, such as my career from Citibank to Biomedia Holdings and to the now BNP Paribas, also from old WBG to now SAB (mainly dormant and serving as IT assistant), although there are unhappy events, i decided to make the best out of situations and be happy with it.

About my career

Citibank: I'm glad i survived 8 mths, knowing that i wouldn't have the prospect of being promoted to permanent staff as Citibank was already cutting cost and getting poly grads instead of uni grads. I was not happy with the working style, which consists of mainly VERY routine daily task...check credit card, check their credit history, approve credit cards. Life was utterly boring and i know there's no prospect to it. During the 8 months, i made life happy, by deciding to have fun and enjoyment during work. I had one of the most happy times with my colleagues, Lihui, Lynn and Joyce. This is how i decide to be happy.

Biomedia Holdings: I came to this company, knowing that i want to work for a SME for a while, to understand abt the culture etc. I have stayed for 3 months. Life was happy, with dear working at another department, and life was fulfilling (doing marketing, logistics, operations, project management, it all add colors to my resume) until it came to a point whereby cold callings have to be made, and i'll be the only one doing it. I decided that, this job is not for me. (this decision here is not a very good one..i was too impulsive to quit suddenly..but i have already sensed that they rather employ 2 malaysians with 1 person's its a sooner or later kinda thing) Hmm...sux to be in a small dept.

So, i risked the chances of quiting the job and spoiling my resume and career chances, but i still choosed to. Why? Simply because i know my value, and i can still get better jobs out there. I decided to not look back, go all the way out to get a good job out there.

While my ex-collegeaues waited for job agencies to get back to them and waited for months, i got my current job within 3 days. Why? Because i decided that i want a job ASAP. I sent numerous resumes, and followed up with the agencies. I want the job, i ran after them and not waiting for them to call me back. I decided to be pro-active.

BNP Paribas: Its quite a good bank, from france. and i'm in the compliance dept now. To make life happier, i decided to even get my ex-collegeaue, Joyce to join me! That's current life now. For now, compliance seems rather interesting, and i'm still exploring. Enjoying being the policewomen of a bank now, and i decided to stay until they sack me, or at least the next 2 years (unless unforseen major circumstances arises). This will look better on my resume in future.

SAB: Decision to become dormant was tough as well, because i've let down a couple of people, like Arthur, Jet and Serene and Pin, but i have no regrets. I choose to live with it. and make the best out of this choice! And i still help out with their IT side.

I believe that other than making the best and choosing to be happy, FOCUS is also very important.

BAND: I've always wanted to be part of the band coaching team...and have always talked about it again and again, not being realistic that the money is not gonna sustain me for now, i have decided that i'll put it on hold, until i have at least a decent $20k in my account.

LIFE: I decided that i will marry when my account is at least a decent $100k before i get married, as i want a more wealthy family to begin with, not letting future children suffer.

What i am going to say is...PROFOUND.

Usually people need to know that it is...PROFOUND, or else people wouldn't know that it is PROFOUND.












Its quite simple to think this way below...NOT too diffcult.

***If you have decided to be responsible, to stay in a company that you have no passion anymore, FOCUS on the things that you still enjoy (the company of the people, your workers, etc). Having time to feel sad, feeling uncomfortable in the job simply means that you HAVE NOT DECIDED to be happy and HAVE NOT FOCUS on the happy elements in the job.

***If there's nothing to be happy about, or VERY hard to find any, MOVE ON.

***If you decide that moving on is not the option, DECIDE to stay for the remaining days/months, and STOP thinking about negatives! FOCUS on finding the good things on the job.

***If you are STILL unhappy and you have already (think) that you have focused on the good stuffs and cannot find, it simply means......... you HAVE NOT DECIDED to stay, because you have not done your best to find the good things on the job.

***If you want to be happy, look forward! Be forward looking! Can start deciding which is a good company to go to, look at their company profiles, build up a good looking resume, retake resume photos, check out the good job lobangs, there's so much GOOD THINGS to look forward to! Why bother looking backward? No time to waste on bad stuffs.

That's all for the night of grumbling...nitez!