Yeah!! Happy Birthday to me!! =) Now 24 years old!!!
God pls bless me with a great guy....
as usual. ahhaaAHA~~*
ANyway, i'm delighted that i got one of my biggest cheque in WBG franchise trading system, just 4 months into the biz. Stress level has been all time HIGH as well, but this round was a SHIOK one... hoping for more to come, which stretch my mind to climb higher and higher. The income just goes up and never falls below. I nearly hit bottom, but good thing that God bless me with a great leader, Pin. i will make you proud dear! *i know you look at my blogs!* =PGoing into Full time franchise trading, i realised that there's so much to be done. I see Arthur, i see Jet, i see myself. We are all doing the same biz, isn't it? But what the difference between you, me and him?
Ask me why...ask me why.....
Its all about How we see the business,
How we build the business,
and How much we BELIEVE in the business. AS simple as that.
Ambassardor level this coming March running. And go for Disneyland HK!!!
And....... last but not least.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!! a gift from my beloved colleagues, Lihui, Joyce and Lynn from CitiBank N.A (millenia towers)
The ways of the World...or the Ways of God.
15 years ago