Sunday, November 4, 2007

拥抱爱与丰盛 Love and Abundance

知见心理学国际训练师张含瑄老师 (Zhang Han Xuan) was here for 2days session @ SMU. Session was amazing.. time for self-healing and applying what i've learnt.

Typing this after eaten cheese prata from my neighbour kopitiam. I really loved the prata there, because of a special person...

I used to hate my own birthdays..because of certain events which happened in the past. The only 2 good birthdays i will remember forever is my 16th and 23rd birthday. The 16th was with my a group of beloved friends from BTband who brought me to ECP on a rainy day. ahahAH~* And the 23rd, was with this special guy, knowing that i was gonna spend a lonely birthday by myself, accompanied me to my neighbourhood kopitiam to eat roti prata.

How's it related to PoV? I used to hate birthdays because of a lack of self-worthiness, an event happened during my 7th birthday. Going for PoV, i set 2 goals to achieve:
1) A promise to heal and love myself (this is very difficult for most pple)
2) To have a partner by next year Valentine's day 2008
Only when i learn to love myself (not having self-guilt, self-attacks,and commit to loving myself for who i am), i will be able to love others.

Ms. Zhang Han Xuan metioned that during a relationship, there is the honeymoon period, followed by the Power struggle period, where couples may start to notice each other's so-called incompatibility, faults, and mistakes. Ususally couples break up when they can't get past this stage.

A question asked by Ms. Zhang Han Xuan,
Qns: How to differentiate love and needs?
Ans: Do you love him so u need him, or do you need him so you love him?
Take time off, be with yourself and ask that question.
And if you still don't know, then Commit to the person. A promise to your other half in the relationship.

How to survive power struggle? Power Struggle happens during the independent stage of a relationship. Committement to another person is the route to interdependence, is one of the hardest things to do, especially when you don't even love yourself.

Love thyself, and you will be able to love others. How can you give love to others when u are in drought, lack of it? :)