Sunday, October 21, 2007

Tuesdays with about Marriage

Tuesdays with Morrie This is quite a good book, which i found on Jet's blog. That's why i decided to read a few chapters. A book mostly read by Christians, i was simply interested in a few chapters,

"We talk about Marriage"...
Morrie: "It's so important to find a loving relationship with someone because so much of the culture does not give you that. But the poor kids today, either they're too selfish to take part in a real loving relationship, or they rush into marriage and then six months later, they get divorced. They don't know what they want in a partner. They don't know who they are themselves - so how can they know who they're marrying?"

Morrie had counseled so many unhappy lovers in his years as a professor. "It's sad, because a loved one is so important. You realize that, especially when you're in a time like i am(Morrie had cancer), when you're not doing so well. Friends are great, but friends are not going to be here on a night when you're coughing and can't sleep and someone has to sit up all night with you, comfort you, try to be helpful."

Morrie:"There are a few rules i know to be true about love and marriage: If you don't respect the other person, you're gonna have alot of trouble. If you can't talk openly about what goes on between you, you're gonna have alot of trouble. And if you don't have a common set of values in life, you're gonna have alot of trouble. Your values must be alike."

This reminded me of one of the great people i've met, Mr. Nicholas Chia. He got married at the age of 21!! Why did he choose to get married at such a young age?

He mentioned that he wanted to settle down in a stable relationship, so that he can focus on his career and he knows that his wife, knows what she wants in her man. He said, "This woman knows what she wants, and i am gonna get her before she runs away." Oh that was humorous of him. =) That's speaks much more than just knowing what he and she wants. That spells committment. A huge committment level, requiring both to undestand what it needs to come together...and together they have been for over 27 years...and still going on strong. That's simple amazing, in this culture of the present times.

Losing energy lately...feeling tired all on my from family and friends are simply fantastic, but i know that i need something more than that. Someone committed to me, committed to our future. Someone to look forward to in life, A support, energy-giver,someone to share my daily joys with, someone i can motivate as well. A committed, responsible man who knows what he wants. And that we know what we both want.

When that brillant man comes by, i will cherish him. Hope that person comes by soon, and i'll move on together with him...