Saturday, October 6, 2007

The grass is always greener over the graveyard

The grass is always greener over the graveyard speaks about the conspiracy the ego has for us, how it tries to trap or delay us.

There are two common traps with this conspiracy, both of which have us believe our happiness lies elsewhere. The first is where we are with a partner that we have been in relationship with for awhile, and all of a sudden, we see someone new coming along who seems much more attractive to us. Now, if we have been in a power struggle with our partner, or working through the Dead Zone, anyone will look more attractive. After all, the first stage of a relationship is the romance stage, so anybody new will look more attractive. Of course, if we went on with the new person, we would eventually reach power struggle and the Dead Zone with them, too.

The second common trap is when we are in a relationship with someone and our mind begins thinking about someone we were with in the past. We dream about them and, consequently, make our present relationship tasteless, in which case, we move on, and later end up fantasising about the relationship we just left, as well as the one before.

The key to both traps is that we think our happiness is some place other than where we are. The ego works to trap us out of our present, possible happiness.

Today, appreciate the situation you are in now. Really appreciate your partner and everything about your life. With integrity, you can enjoy the connections with everyone who is attractive around you, without losing your present happiness. Do not fall into the trap of thinking the grass is greener some place else.

This Lesson is from
If It Hurts, It Isn't Love - a book by Chuck Spezzano.
Posting grabbed from Veronica Lim's blog, Founder of Growth Vision.