Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Vision Part II

My vision is to spread out to all, for everyone to enjoy a healthy and happy lifestyle! To expand this business empire, so that we are all able to enjoy not only health,and also wealth together.

I just happened to catch a glimpse of Miss Universe 2007 and a contestant was asked this question, "If you were to possess a superpower, what would you want to have?" Actually this question is posted by many interviewers, asked by many before.

"If i were to possess any superpower, i would want the power to heal. To heal not only people's health, but their hearts as well."

If people's heartbreaks, anger, fear, hatred, can be resolved and peace to be bestowed on mankind, how great can that be?

WBG's Founder, Dr. George Lim, has always mentioned that if a leader's heart is pure and filled with justice, even if there weren't commands given, people will follow them and their ways. If a leader's tainted with evil, even if commands are passed, people will not follow with their true hearts.

This is what have been advocated since the beginning of World Business Group, our true spirit. Many people in our industry have stained the whole industry's image with scandals and cheatings. What we do is to educate people that we are just like any entrepreneurs, wanting to build our business through a different form of distribution, with products which are really beneficial to mankind.

What's entrepreneurship? In our defintion, it is the ability to change people's lives, so that they can live better. This is the spirit of World Business Group (WBG).