Friday, May 11, 2007

Food for thought - Milk

Recently, i went to attend a health seminar held by 95.8城市频道and the speaker is 林光常, Dr. Luke Lin. Damn, he's an awesome speaker! Having us youngsters there, he didn't bore us with boring speeches like..."u know you must eat this...but why aren't you eating know you shouldn't eat this...why are you STILL eating it...." He was lively, energetic, giving funny examples, and also presented us with amazing findings when he does his research.

One interesting research was regarding....
Milk! It is only for cows!
An extract from his book, "Dr. Luke Lin's Guide to Toxin-free Living"
Since childhood, the idea that milk is highly nutritious has been instilled in our minds. Milk is both a protein and calcium source, hence supermarket shelves are congested with a large quantity of assorted proteins which are not only significant causes of food allergies, but that also cause the stomach to secrete additional amounts of stomach acid and enzymes, making ulcers in the digestive system to flare up more intensely. Besides this, there are other ailments like chronic rhinitis, swollen lymph glands, chronic ear inflammation (otitis), etc.,that will show enormous improvement (not elimination straightaway) if one simply stops consuming dairy products.

Furthermore, the idea that milk and dairy products can compensate for the body's lost calcium is erroneous; in fact, the more protein is absorded by the system, the more calcium will be allowed to drain out of bone matter. Why??

After undergoing Pasteurization, the calcium contained in cow's milk will become non-organic: in this form it cannot fulfill the body's calcium requirements, and may also increase the incidence rate of gall or kidney stones, or of calculus formation. Moreover, once milk has been broken down in the digestive tract, a strong acid resembling "ammonia" is produced. Ironically, in order to re-establish a proper acid-base equilibrium, the alkaline calcium contained in the bones is dissolved and leeched out, thus leading t o a greater calcium deficiency.

This just goes to show that if one wishes to maintain a state of calcium equilibrium in the body and keep the bones strong and healthy, one ought to cut down on calcium consumption rather than taking a greater amount of calcium supplements.

Logical arguement will be, if you look into the statistics, nations like New Zealand, England, USA, milk productions stands a significant portion for their economy. However, the percentage of people in their nation suffering from Osteoporosis is very high!! Why?

So why are health articles still emphasizing on drinking Milk for calcium?
Let's start thinking, "Hey, where did these articles come from??" Ah ah....think from there...
The economy needs to go on functioning...their sales have to be good.. else..haha~~~SO.. Now you know..just cut down or simply stop taking dairy products!

Protein is easily available in soya products, tofu, nuts, etc. Go take these instead!
Any questions? feel free to bomb me and i'll provide logical reasonings. ;) heHe~~*