Tuesday, January 1, 2008

New Year 2008!! With GREAT resolutions!!

Nicholas Chia's msg on 31 Dec 2007 to Jet...
"Best time to take stock of what you did not do in 2007 and set 3 things that you must do in 2008. Start with 3 things that you are extremely proud of that you achieved this year so that you can reaffirm to yourself that you can do the 3 things you set out to do next year. My contribution for 2007 Godson. God bless."

3 things that i did not do well:
1.) Not earning and doing enough to go full time WBG
2.) Not running a full marathon (42.195km)
3.) Not giving my parents enough money i promised them.(but i still give a decent amount)

3 things to do in 2008:
1.) GSS team to have each 10 people and my 10 partners to go HK Disneyland in May 2008
2.) Quit job to be fulltime trader!!!!!
3.) Bring family for a holiday trip! + i still want to run a full marathon!!

3 things i did great in 2007:
1.) Running my first 10km in my life!
2.) Picking up my saxophone and clarinet and still be able to play well again after 5 years
3.) I stayed loyal, stick through thick and thin with WBG.

Resolutions for the year 2008:

  1. To be dedicated to my career in WBG as Franchise trader and leader
  2. Go fulltime Franchise trading by April 2008 (Be the catalyst to a winning team)
  3. GSS team to have each 10 people (about 50partners) and my 10 partners to go HK Disneyland in Mid May 2008
  4. Run a full 42.195km marathon
  5. To go presidential before getting boyfriend (set good example for duplication in team
  6. Give thanks to God daily, be blessed and happy to be with my family and friends i loved dearly
  7. To have a good Samsung G600 phone!! *coming soon*
  8. To donate $250 per month to World Vision with good financial health
  9. To bring the GREATEST support to my dear partners in GSS team in their business
  10. To set good example and Lead from the Front!
    . . . And more to come.... ;) will write more.

I don't really crave for material stuffs, because i am happy to have GREAT friends, partners and mentors around me. But, i wouldn't mind having a nice Chopard watch, or having a good nice environmentally friendly hybrid car(if ever Lamborgini or Ferrrari comes out with it). First thing i wanna achieve in WBG is the HK Disneyland trip ! With my promised friends and partners!!! Set eyes on it first. *i still love people better... ;)