Monday, July 16, 2007

Neutralizing Challenging Situations

Recently i have taken up Band teaching as freelance (+ Multimedia IT trainer), and the things i manage, besides technical stuffs (music, theorys and stuffs), i handle people. Yes, secondary school students from West Spring and Bukit Panjang Govt. High. Although they are just young adults, what i experienced with these crowd, is like a simulation of what's happening in the real world, only "minatured". haAHAAA~* People management. Good starting point for me. ;)
Learning HOW to motivate people to do things for you while they are not paid and very willing to do everything for themselves and the organization. This is definitely an art... AHaHahaA~~*

Haven't been getting my mind on the people management too much yet, as we are focusing on improving the technical music skills of students first. We'll see how things turns out after a week or 2 and i'll start working on the people..

As i was handling some difficult people, project situation, i found a solution it!! This is one very interesting short article by my mentor, Jet, and it is about Neutralizing Challenging Situations. Its part of AQ (Adversity Quotient), whereby for example, you all still remember the Tsunami event in dec 2005? Alot of people died during in that tragedy. If countries were to moan and not react fast enough to send in the army to clear the bodies up, they would have rot and create diseases all over the region of tragic site... How people react in times of adversities.

Basically, just refer to his site. ;) Do really check it out!