Wow... i think my dream board really works!!!! haaAHaAHAaha~~*`~**~~*
I have quite a number of "Wu Zun" photos alongside Ella on my desk, on my photoframes...and i have it in my wallet as well! Quite embarassing for having one at my age now... but i really want it to be just a dream card. haha~~*
Recently, i just started work at Citibank, millenia tower. And, it was only a few days after work that i realised that, there's a young lad, ard 26yrs old..who has this "Wu Zun" hairstyle!! + he's not too bad looking after all!! :) Not too sure whether he is attached or not..haha~* he seems like a very hardworking person, very independent and understanding guy, hope to know him more...
Too bad he isn't vegetarian...haha~ anyway, there's more motivation to work in Citibank le. haha~* I realised that getting to know more guys outside my social circle really works in helping me get rid of the.."thinking-of-the-same-guy" mindset.. i deserve more. I shall love myself more. haha~* :) Wu Zun 吴尊 in a smart business-wear attending the opening of his gym club in Brunei..
I simply love his hind view... i always love to look at "his" back view as well...~
Saturday, August 25, 2007
吴尊 Wu Zun look-alike??
Posted by *AnN* at 12:51 AM
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
TEAM - Together Everyone Achieve More (Some say Miracles..)
I was talking to talking to Ming jian (away in HK now) abt team.. and as i went along, i got so into the topic that i "googled" and "wikipedied" the findings...haha like doing reseach. I love seeing patterns and complexities put into short, simple words and sentences. So when i feel too disturbed by confusing stuffs, google it!!! So here it goes...
A team comprises a a group of people or animals linked in a common purpose. Teams are especially appropriate for conducting tasks that are high in complexity and have many interdependent subtasks.
A group in itself does not necessarily constitute a team. Teams normally have members with complementary skills and generate synergy through a coordinated effort which allows each member to maximize his or her strengths and minimize his or her weaknesses.
Theorist in business in the late 20th century popularized the concept of constructing teams. Differing opinions exist on the efficacy of this new management fab. Some see "team" as a four-letter word: overused and under-useful. Others see it as a panacea that finally realizes the human relations movement's desire to integrate what that movement perceives as best for workers and as best for managers. Still others believe in the effectiveness of teams, but also see them as dangerous because of the potential for exploiting workers — in that team effectiveness can rely on peer pressure and peer surveillance.
Team size, composition, and formation
Team size and composition affect the team processes and outcomes. Teams work best if sized between 5-12 members. Less than 5 members results in decreased perspectives and diminished creativity. Membership in excess of 12 results in increased conflict and greater potential of sub-groups forming. Seven members is considered to be optimal for most teams.
Regarding composition, all teams will have an element of homogeneity and heterogeneity. The more homogeneous the group, the more cohesive it will be. The more heterogeneous the group, the greater the differences in perspective and increased potential for creativity, but also the greater potential for conflict. (TOTALLY AGREE!!!!! Absolutely!!)
Team members normally have different roles, like team leader and agents. Large teams can sub-divide into sub-teams according to need.
Many teams go through a life-cycle of stages, identified by Bruce Tuckman as: forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning.
Types of Teams
Independent and Interdependent Teams
Self-managed Teams
Normally, a manager acts as the team leader and is responsible for defining the goals, methods, and functioning of the team. However, interdependencies and conflicts between different parts of an organization may not be best addressed by hierarchical models of control.
The main idea of the self-managed team is that the leader does not operate with positional authority. In a traditional management role, the manager is responsible for providing instruction, conducting communication, developing plans, giving orders, and disciplining and rewarding employees, and making decisions by virtue of his or her position. In this organizational model, the manager delegates specific responsibility and decision-making authority to the team itself, in the hope that the group will make better decisions than any individual. Neither a manager nor the team leader make independent decisions in the delegated responsibility area.
Decisions are typically made by consensus in successful self-managed teams, by voting in very large or formal teams, and by hectoring and bullying in unsuccessful teams. The team as a whole is accountable for the outcome of its decisions and actions.
Self-managed teams operate in many organizations to manage complex projects involving research, design, process improvement, and even systemic issue resolution, particularly for cross-department projects involving people of similar seniority levels. While the internal leadership style in a self-managed team is distinct from traditional leadership and operates to neutralize the issues often associated with traditional leadership models, a self-managed team still needs support from senior management to operate well.
Self-managed teams may be interdependent or independent. Of course, merely calling a group of people a self-managed team does not make them either a team or self-managed.
As a self-managed team develops successfully, more and more areas of responsibility can be delegated, and the team members can come to rely on each other in a meaningful way.
Project Teams
A team used only for a defined period of time and for a separate, concretely definable purpose, often becomes known as a project team. Managers commonly label groups of people as a "team" based on having a common function. Members of these teams might belong to different groups, but receive assignment to activities for the same project, thereby allowing outsiders to view them as a single unit. In this way, setting up a team allegedly facilitates the creation, tracking and assignment of a group of people based on the project in hand. The use of the "team" label in this instance often has no relationship to whether the employees are working as a team.
Sports Teams
A sports team is a group of people which play a sport together. Members include all players (even those who are waiting their turn to play) as well as support members such as a team manager.
Virtual Teams
A virtual team consists of members joined together electronically, with nominal in-person contact. Virtual teaming is made possible with technology tools, especially the Internet. This allows teams to be formed of players otherwise unavailable. Research can be performed using input from the best minds around the world. Work projects can be completed by spreading the workload among long-distance players. Many businesses build their competitive edge on the capabilities and efficiencies of virtual teams.
Not All Groups are Teams
Some people also use the word "team" when they mean "employees." A "sales team" is a common example of this loose or perhaps euphemistic usage, though interdependencies exist in organisations, and a sales team can be let down by poor performance on other parts of the organisation upon which sales depend, like delivery, after-sales service, etc.. However "sales staff" is a more precise description of the typical arrangement.
Posted by *AnN* at 8:08 PM
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Saturday, August 4, 2007
7 habits of highly ineffective people
I saw this book, "7 habits of highly Ineffective people" a few days ago @ Popular and thought it was quite ...a good reminder for me. haha~*
First habit: "Be reactive. Always doubt yourself and blame others."
By being reactive you don't have to take a preventive action, entertain a forethought or plan for anything in advance. You can avoid decisions forever by continuing to doubt yourself. If you don't take a decision in the first place, how can you blame yourself. This way, you also reserve the right to blame others for the inconveniences and difficulties.
Second habit: "Work without any clear end in mind."
Then whichever way it ends, look at it philosophically, "That's the way things sometimes happen. " The fact that the outcome didn't turn out to be so great is nobody's fault and certainly not yours.
Third habit: "Do only what is urgent."
You will have the satisfaction of doing the urgent thing while avoiding crises until things catch up with you.
Fourth habit: To think in win/lose terms, that is, "I should win and they should lose."
It becomes the basic orientation to all negotiations and collaborations. Sometime, this may offer you a big ego trip and when you lose, you may even get some sympathy.
Fifth habit: "Seek first to be understood."
Don't try to understand them until they understand you and that way you can be even with them.
Sixth habit: To follow the dictum, "If you can't win, compromise."
This will help you to secretly admire yourself for being so adaptable and having "one up on them."
Seventh habit: "Fear change and put off improvement."
When you spend all your energy in maintaining the status quo, many of your coworkers will become your bosom buddies.
Foster these seven habits and you shall rank very highly among the highly ineffective people.
To understand more, go to the library and get this book. haha~*
Posted by *AnN* at 11:12 PM
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Iridology Events!~~*
Wow.. its been so long after the events then i post up the photos (On the right column)!! haha~too slow too slow..
O'right! It was amazing experience!! Dealing with old folks, professionals asking abt "What is Iridology?" etc..
Holistic Living Fair @ Fort Canning (14-15 Apr 2007)
The crowd there were all quite concerned about holistic way of living and our booth was the most attractive and attention-grabbing! It was because, we had our TV monitor facing the crowd and everyone could see Big "Flowery" Iris patterns~ and the European's eyes were amazing... Very colurful, yet flowery.. with petal-like patterns..Not a good sign... A perfectly healthy person should have a smooth, patternless iris. There is more to it, and i can't explain all here. haha~
Iridology is relatively new in Singapore, however, in the developed nations such as US, Korea, Japan, doctors are already using it as a pre-dignostic tool for their clients. It is able to pin point more accurately the parts of body which requires attention, which doctors may not be able to tell (even if they got lots of experience). Because sick pple may have tons of symptoms at one time, and misjudgment can cause alot of time delays.
For details about Iridology, you can check out a basic informational website @
Econ Medicare centre & Nursing Home @ SATA (East side) (22 Jul 2007)
ECON Medicare Centre is owned by ECON Healthcare Group, having a chain of medicare centre under its name. The CEO is the father of my fellow business partner, XinDe (Now in Australia studying). We have the priviledge to promote the awareness of Iridology @ the Open house of Econ Medicare centre and we have a much different experience..
The people who went there, of course, got to know thr the mass-mailing, callings from Econ group to inform them of the event. People who came, are more aged than i tot. Mainly born in the 30s-40s, which is ard 60-70s. Wow.. it was great experience, and again, we drew the crowd. Perhaps we were strategically positioned and of course, being professional in the why we explained "What is Iridology about" and provide them with a solution.
Events management is absolutely tiring and troublesome...we were faced with scenarios that needs hugely high AQ (Adversity Quotient) to deal with...and we managed in the end. *HAPPY* ;)
Basically It was FANTASTIC!! Iridology will be the way to go, and we will achieve great credential and credibility in years to come! *CHEERS*
(*WATCH out for more Iridology events coming up!~*)
Posted by *AnN* at 11:36 AM
NUS Commencement Class 2007
Graduation photos on the right side... Enjoy!
*The girls really enjoyed themselves shooting.* ;)
Hmm...a great site to recommend.
You can upload your picture files very easily and post it on your blog...leaves alot of memories... I shall take more when i get myself a camera!! :D
Posted by *AnN* at 2:47 AM
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Love is in the Air @*~`,--
Wedding bells are ringing everywhere~~*
Dawn got married in June, followed by her sis Grace in July,
and Beth's getting married in Oct and Clari's bf just proposed to her!!!
Congrats to all!~~*
So sWeeETTtttT!~~* And all are from WBG!!! yeah! More Hunza organic babies on the way!~~* haAHahA~~* Oh now Denzel, Ace, Jensen and most of the hunza babies are abt 1 - 4 years old leh.. So the next time the cycle begins and restarts...given if the ladies starts giving birth this or next yr, it'll be more or less 3-4 years later that the Hunza baby cycle starts again!!
When's my turn then?
Now 23...
give myself 4 years to do my own stuffs...
then get bf by 27,
then marry at 28,
then have a child by 29.. (6years to go!!!)
After this impeding ,coming Hunza baby cycle, the next cycle will be my turn!! (Hopefully. AHahAHAah~~!!~*)
Hopefully my bf will look like him... Wu Zun!~* ahaAHah~ STill crazy over handsome guys...
Why him? He is not just a pretty face ok...sometimes i check out his blog. At first, i tot he was just another pretty face. However, after some fact finding, his actually quite a sensible guy, filial.. knows that career in the media world wouldn't last forever so he takes his chance to pursues his dreams when he's young and has his own back up plans...gym biz back in Brunei, his hometown!!
SO, its not just physical appearance ok...what matters is also the inner beauty..ahahAha (Looks like anyone u know? hehe....)
This is My dream Board! ;)
Posted by *AnN* at 10:05 AM