Thursday, March 19, 2009

Sunset lovers...~

Qn: What do Andrew and Daisy, Gerade and Suzanna, Jeffrey and Carol, Thomas and Jenny, Peter and Christine, Ronnie and Loretta (Neil's parents), My dad and my mum have in common?

Ans: They are sunset lovers...(maybe their love is in the sunrise stage! Who knows? *haha* ) Minus my parents, they are all Catholic-Christians. hehe~*

I got to know Andrew Daisy, Gerade Suzanna, Jeffrey Carol and Thomas Jenny while doing Alpha course in St Anthony Church. They are amazing people..every session, all the couples will be there. And Aunt Daisy once told me that, since young till old, Uncle Andrew will tell her "I love you" everyday without fail! =) And he's still doing it everyday... That is so sweet~
In our generation these times, most people don't believe in true love, and alot of friends around me have been lamenting on hard times, hard to find the right guy/lady of the life, hard to maintain relationships, scared of getting hurt, etc. ALMOST 98% are influenced by ALL the negatives of the World....WHY FOCUS on the Bad side? WHY NOT focus on the positives??

Getting ditched 4times by 3 guys, u know what? I haven't give up on my quest for a Good lasting Love relationship! Because, i'm seriously NOt afraid to fall. And each fall toughens me up. God's graces. I pick myself up and move on to my quest.. ;)

One thing for a fact is...
All these Old couples DIDN't MISS OUT the pains in relationship!!!
There are bound to be pains, hurts, compromises, along the journey of partnership..and these also strengthens the committments for each other, giving joy, peace, hope and Love along the journey..

Its like...learning to ride a bicycle. If you really want to learn it, be able to ride a bike properly, you must not be afraid of falling and hurting yourself. Once you fall, learn to get up, and get up fast and learn from the lesson! Ride the bike until you have truly LEARNT it and Ride on it properly! If you've never fallen YET, you will, someday.

Recently, i was thinking, Life is really REALLY SERIOUSLY DAMN F***KING SHORT!!
5 years down the road, 30 years old. If all goes well (GOD BLESS!!!), this is the plan...

28 - Should be able to have met the love of my life

30 - A new life: which may be stage 2. Get married, have your own apartment, family planning, allocate time between career, friends and family

31 - A newborn at home....before and aftermaths of pregnacy, allocate time between child, husband, friends and family, and our Faith (that's what will keep us growing together!)

32 to 35 - Stage 3: Caring for the toddler, education for them, and maintain our youthful looks and not going downslope... Career to be steadily climbing for my man.. Leisure and Recreation not to be forgotten..MUST have couple times, private times as well... Our faith will still be growing too!

35 to 45 - Stage 4: Kids to be moving towards teenage years. More MORAL education for them, so as not to follow the ways of the IMmoral world of today's times... teach them not to always believe TV ads and news, learn how to discern certain issues of the World... Still, i'm gonna have fun with friends and hubby! Maybe we can visit the kids during CCA, and rekindle sec school life! haaHA~*

45 to 55 - Stage 5: Watch the kids grow up, TAKE CARE OF OUR HEALTH! hehe~ parents get to slack abit and have private times with each other. Not forgetting to maintain "Friendship" with the kids, nurturing them.. plan our retirement with fellow old OLD friends (seriously, we cant be retiring with our children ard..haha~)

55 to 60 - Stage 6: CPF is out for us (might be, by then)! Maybe we can have a 20 yr plan on how to spend the money for go to church together and commit to the works of God..and it seems to be back to what we've always been doing for the first 20 years of life..Like a virtuous cycle. =) He must say "I love you" everyday as well.. :)

80 > - Stage 7: Hopefully, we are able to discern when our time will be up (God's graces, we pray forth), and let's live and leave together (no more than 1 month apart from each other) Heaven with God.

Well, this seems like a good draft for me. A sunset couple-wannabee! Looks like a hectic schedule too..

Am i been too hopeful or what? What if it doesn't work out the way i want it to be?

I hate dumb people who asks me stupid questions. Its just simple. I believe in True Love, and EVERYTHING that comes along with it, the pains, the joys, peace, hope and love. Do you believe?

Whether it works, I'll always pray for God's direction and guidance..
Amen! ;)