This post is delicated to dear Ant...
A week ago, a friend, feeling troubled by BGR issues, asked me... What must a man do to make his lady feel loved?
I'm not gonna give any psychology explaination for this part...just by gut feel...
This question is profound. This time, i really give it a long thought. How did he made me feel loved?
When i was in teenage years, young and innocent, i used to think that material stuffs are able to make a basic judgement of how much your guy loves you. If he is willing to go all out, earn some money and buy you a good necklace, buy you some flowers, that shows some very basic level of love. (I am NOT that materialistic, but i'll still love a good piece of jewel. hahhaAH~*~)
No flowers, no jewel, not much gai-gais (we are quite homely and only go jammings and friend's place), no love notes, no romantic smses, not much couple outings, no traveling to malacca, and alot of things guys will do, he will NOT do...
And the best thing is, i didn't realise it until this friend of mine reminded me!! ahahaAAHaha~~*
Why do i think this time, Ant loved me more than any other guys in my life? (including our first relationship back in 2000)
Ant's not a romantic person, so i got used to it.
However, there's always the little little things that he do, which really sends me over the moon..
- He likes to kiss me on my forehead (mainly because i'm much shorter than him)
- He searches for me when i get lost (sometimes makes me feel good to be damsel in distress..ahha~ that doesn't sound too good to do)
- He always tells me the truth whenever he thinks he did something wrong (he'll make sudden confessions. ahhaha~*)
- He cares for his family, and makes me feel he will be a good man to be with, for life.
- His eyes when he looks at me. Completely different compared in yr 2000. i feel appreciated and looked after.
- He worries too much for me sometimes, but i still like it. haha~*
- He gave me the key!!!
- He shares his work life with me. Makes me feel like a good friend. :)
- He gives me good massages when i am suffering from backache.
- He thinks about spending quality time going out with me,even though he's tired and worn out at times.
- And more...
Sometimes i do get angry with him. However, remembering these little things makes a world of difference. Its all about the simple things, little things that normally people will overlook, which made me see the difference with him. He made me feel precious.
P.S: I Love You. :)