Friday, July 11, 2008

Communications.. The Five Love Languages

I didn't realised that when i speak, i sound cocky, overconfident to certain groups of people, like my old friends from band. But to certain people, like those from JC and NUS, they are perfectly normal to my way of communications...

My guy didn't realise that i dislike him to kick start a conversation with negative terms and tonality as well. And, he didn't realise that he did it! Its just natural for him to speak in his way, and me in my, luckily we managed to talk this through and know each other better. Having a critic as a boyfriend can be tiring and sometimes, hurting as he can be damn bloody direct, but its good as well, because we are better able to talk things out as well.

Many couples in modern days, aren't able to last long. Even if they managed to get married, they end up in divorce. I wonder why...Is it because they are too messed up in their relationships that they can't be bothered to fix it? lack responsibility for each other? or they are not confident and do not have faith to carry on? There is a fundamental reasoning, but i can't really figure out myself, simply because i have never reached that stage before.

I love this book, The Five Love Languages by Dr. Gary Chapman. This book is recommended by Arthur Yap, really a great guy, a great leader of his life, his organisation, a man of philosophies and principles. A Man of honour. i always love to listen to his talks about life, business, career and jokes too!
Well anyway, This book is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED and it has ever since, become my bible for relationships. Initially, when i got this book before my relationship with my current guy, i thought..."How great can this book be"? I read...and fell asleep.........
Last night, i flipped it through, and amazingly, i discovered ALL my concerns are answered inside!!!!!!!!!!!! TRULY AMAZING RELATIONSHIP'S BIBLE!!! HaaahaAHAh~~*
*Carine go get it!!! Damn nice!! It can be your bible as well!!!!
Discover your primary Love Language...speak it, act on it, and your relationship will be sweet and long lasting... ;)