Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Vision Part II

My vision is to spread out to all, for everyone to enjoy a healthy and happy lifestyle! To expand this business empire, so that we are all able to enjoy not only health,and also wealth together.

I just happened to catch a glimpse of Miss Universe 2007 and a contestant was asked this question, "If you were to possess a superpower, what would you want to have?" Actually this question is posted by many interviewers, asked by many before.

"If i were to possess any superpower, i would want the power to heal. To heal not only people's health, but their hearts as well."

If people's heartbreaks, anger, fear, hatred, can be resolved and peace to be bestowed on mankind, how great can that be?

WBG's Founder, Dr. George Lim, has always mentioned that if a leader's heart is pure and filled with justice, even if there weren't commands given, people will follow them and their ways. If a leader's tainted with evil, even if commands are passed, people will not follow with their true hearts.

This is what have been advocated since the beginning of World Business Group, our true spirit. Many people in our industry have stained the whole industry's image with scandals and cheatings. What we do is to educate people that we are just like any entrepreneurs, wanting to build our business through a different form of distribution, with products which are really beneficial to mankind.

What's entrepreneurship? In our defintion, it is the ability to change people's lives, so that they can live better. This is the spirit of World Business Group (WBG).

Friday, May 11, 2007

Food for thought - Milk

Recently, i went to attend a health seminar held by 95.8城市频道and the speaker is 林光常, Dr. Luke Lin. Damn, he's an awesome speaker! Having us youngsters there, he didn't bore us with boring speeches like..."u know you must eat this...but why aren't you eating know you shouldn't eat this...why are you STILL eating it...." He was lively, energetic, giving funny examples, and also presented us with amazing findings when he does his research.

One interesting research was regarding....
Milk! It is only for cows!
An extract from his book, "Dr. Luke Lin's Guide to Toxin-free Living"
Since childhood, the idea that milk is highly nutritious has been instilled in our minds. Milk is both a protein and calcium source, hence supermarket shelves are congested with a large quantity of assorted proteins which are not only significant causes of food allergies, but that also cause the stomach to secrete additional amounts of stomach acid and enzymes, making ulcers in the digestive system to flare up more intensely. Besides this, there are other ailments like chronic rhinitis, swollen lymph glands, chronic ear inflammation (otitis), etc.,that will show enormous improvement (not elimination straightaway) if one simply stops consuming dairy products.

Furthermore, the idea that milk and dairy products can compensate for the body's lost calcium is erroneous; in fact, the more protein is absorded by the system, the more calcium will be allowed to drain out of bone matter. Why??

After undergoing Pasteurization, the calcium contained in cow's milk will become non-organic: in this form it cannot fulfill the body's calcium requirements, and may also increase the incidence rate of gall or kidney stones, or of calculus formation. Moreover, once milk has been broken down in the digestive tract, a strong acid resembling "ammonia" is produced. Ironically, in order to re-establish a proper acid-base equilibrium, the alkaline calcium contained in the bones is dissolved and leeched out, thus leading t o a greater calcium deficiency.

This just goes to show that if one wishes to maintain a state of calcium equilibrium in the body and keep the bones strong and healthy, one ought to cut down on calcium consumption rather than taking a greater amount of calcium supplements.

Logical arguement will be, if you look into the statistics, nations like New Zealand, England, USA, milk productions stands a significant portion for their economy. However, the percentage of people in their nation suffering from Osteoporosis is very high!! Why?

So why are health articles still emphasizing on drinking Milk for calcium?
Let's start thinking, "Hey, where did these articles come from??" Ah ah....think from there...
The economy needs to go on functioning...their sales have to be good.. else..haha~~~SO.. Now you know..just cut down or simply stop taking dairy products!

Protein is easily available in soya products, tofu, nuts, etc. Go take these instead!
Any questions? feel free to bomb me and i'll provide logical reasonings. ;) heHe~~*

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

New Life!!~~* Embrace Freedom!~~*

Wow!! Finally! 4th May marked the end of uni-life and also, the start of new life!!!
Unlike any other uni-grads, i'm not planning to get a full-time office job. Although with the cert of an IT bachelors' degree, i am NOT gonna step into IT industry. At most, i'm planning to have a free-lance IT job @ pri or sec schools. Oh! Why? Because i love freedom! ENjoy freedom!! But what is freedom without money?? So, after discussing with my new "老大" Wilson, my income-provider for freelance IT jobs, he said on average, if i work for 4 hrs per day and if i rise to the trainer rank, i will at least be able to get $2K+!!! What is an office job to me man~ hahaAHA~~* I want freedom and that's it!

Of course, i'm not gonna live through freelance forever. That's not my goal. Its financial freedom that i have to strive for, if i want true freedom, to do whatever i want to do, to achieve whatever vision i wanna accomplish in life. Face the facts.有钱不是万万都能。但没钱,却是万万都不能!!Therefore, if the money has to go to someone, why not me? As long as it doesn't fall into bad hands. ;)

Therefore, i declare myself when you ask me,"What are you doing now?"

I'll reply, "I'm a networker of WBG!"
What's WBG? It is the Top 3 MLM company from Singapore!
And what is a networker? Basically, i'm into the distribution of top-quality biotechnology products, Indinine and Kinertec!

What is Indinine? It is ENERGY food for cells!!!!!!
And what is Kinertec? It is Cell REVITALISING technology!!!

I am so damn proud to be part of WBG, as i love the people culture and education there, whereby we focus on people cultivation.
《修身,齐家,治国,平天下》If one is able to cultivate good characters (honour,integrity, honesty)and skillsets, he/she will be able to manage their family well. If they are able to work right from their family well, with the right mind and skillsets, they will be able to rule the country well and bring peace to the nation. What we educate is, as long as we learn the right mindset, how to 做人,学会做人的道理,处事之道,沟通,领导,with the right business education and skillsets, we will be able to move from one industry to another wherever we go to. People are fundamental building blocks of a community, a company, a nation. Every empire, with the right people with the right mindsets, will be able to long live the ages.

Why MLM? We're in the transition, unknown to most people, of having the whole industry turning towards "MLM-style" of distribution. For example, i heard from a friend of mine who just got a job from Singapore Technologies (ST), that if she is able to recruit a friend to join the company, she will earn $1000. WOW!!! Even ST is using this method to recruit people!!!

Ever heard of Warren Buffet? The 2nd richest man on earth(after Microsoft's Bill Gates)! An investment guru. Ever heard of Richard Branson? He's the CEO of Virgin Corporations(Heard of Virgin mobile? yeah that's one of his company). They are investing into Network marketing companies!!! Think they are dumb? Think again. Citigroup, Nestle, Bodyshop, are ALL into MLM style of Imgine about the style of life and business next time...perhaps 5-10 years from now...

Why am i proud of WBG? One of the reasons is being, Mr. Nicholas Chia, CEO of WBG and ex-investment banker, now current Chairman of Direct Selling Association of Singapore (
DSAS) has fought hard to change the perception of Network Marketing Companies in Singapore. He has even won the rights to hold the World Congress of Direct Selling to be held in Singapore in 2008!!!

Very hard he has fought to change the image of MLM Companies, DSAS is like the representation of CASE, whereby any complaints of misconduct, cheatings, can be made to DSAS against the members of DSAS. There are currently ONLY 20 companies in DSAS, which goes to say that the 100++ over MLM companies in Singapore are know.... that credible enough. With the tarnished image, state of chaos left behind since the 70s til now, Mr. Nicholas Chia strives to project the Professional image of Credibility and Accountability that we ought to bring across.

Having MLM legalised since 2000, the local Direct Selling industry was worth SGD 538million, with more than 400,000 individual distributors. Globally, the movement is similarly bullish: between the years 1988 and 2004, estimated retails sales by Direct Selling tripled from USD38 billion to USD99 billion!!! Industry watchdogs only forecast further growth.

I like this challenge.I love this fight. I want to stay with WBG and fight through, against any misjudgements, mistaken view about MLM companies. Its the people, not the structure or way of selling that people dislike or hate. If the "upbringing" in the company is good, the "family" will be good, else, politics in traditional biz, scandals and cheatings aren't that different from the chaos created from MLM in the early 70s, isn't it logical?

Oh boy, so much about what i love about my career, hehe~
I dreamt about a real great hug from someone that i wanted MOST last night!! It was so real!!!!!! Oh man... I feel so much love.... just a one-liner i will never forget about having that dream... :) Beautiful dream......~* Love will come soon~ ;)